Techniques of gaining influence

Common trade objects in business relate to people's ability to do their jobs. Several common types of trade objects include:

  • task-related
  • career-related
  • relationship-related
  • inspiration-related

Task-related trades

Task-related trade objects help you get a job done. You're probably able to recall many task-related trade objects, but these are the most common:

  • assistance with existing tasks or projects
  • information that can help with a job
  • more challenge to improve skills
  • new resources to assist with a task or project
  • organizational support for a job, and
  • rapid response to help speed up a job


Most people have tasks or jobs they'd like to be rid of or at least receive help with. Assistance can also mean providing products or services to another department. To make this trade valuable, the department providing the services or products may need to learn about and adjust to the receiving department's needs.


People value knowledge that helps them excel If you have access to such knowledge, you may be able to use it as a trade object. To increase your opportunities of using this type of trade, you should cultivate relationships, stay informed, and gain as much experience the organization as possible.


Challenge is valued because it improves skills and gives people opportunities to prove themselves. If you have a boss who likes a challenge, you might consider sharing difficult work-related problems with him.

New resources

If resources are in short supply, or an employee desperately needs something specific to reach a goal, then new resources are extremely valuable. These can take the form of an increased budget, additional employees, or new equipment.

Organizational support

If someone is trying to push a proposal or complete a difficult project, an endorsement from a superior or a trusted colleague can give him a much-needed boost. A bold idea, initially poorly received, could be used as currency for a future favor if given a well-placed word.

Rapid response

Helping colleagues jump a waiting list or get what they want quickly is excellent currency. If you're in a position to allocate company resources and ensure a certain manager gets what he needs, he might offer you needed assistance.

Career-related trades

Career-related trade objects may not appeal to others' immediate needs. They're intended to improve their career, either by making them look good or by offering something tangible toward that end. They include

  • improved reputation
  • increased recognition
  • a chance to feel important
  • opportunity to make contacts
  • a chance to be on the "inside"

Improved reputation

A good reputation is the result of positive recognition. It's immensely valuable as a trade object. Just as a good reputation can open doors, a bad reputation can limit a person's growth.

Increased recognition

If you manage employees, it always pays to spread credit. For example, you might influence someone to help you on a project if you state that a key manager is interested in the result and will take notice of those involved.

Chance to feel important

A secretary whose work goes largely unnoticed despite her keeping her department running smoothly may find this a valuable trade object. A mention of her contribution at a monthly meeting might give her motivation to continue doing excellent work.

Opportunity to make contacts

Opportunities to make contacts are valuable because they help you create a network of people who can be approached when needed for mutually helpful interactions.

Chance to be on the "inside"

Being part of an inner circle provides access to information and contacts. It also entails inclusion in making important decisions and planning, which boosts recognition.

Relationship-related trades

Relationship-related trade objects have more to do with strengthening a relationship than accomplishing tasks. They include

  • acceptance
  • understanding, and
  • personal support


Some individuals value a sense of inclusion – a feeling that they're close to others. Though this doesn't mean they place this type of closeness over task-related trade objects, they won't find it easy to deal with people who're not warm and accepting.


Understanding and sympathy may be valued by anyone feeling stressed, isolated, or lacking support. Being able to provide an impartial ear to someone in need is a rare skill and can be used as currency.

Personal support

Having others' support is valuable, particularly at difficult times. If a colleague in your department is feeling stressed, he's likely to appreciate and remember a kind gesture, such as asking how he's doing, or making a thoughtful comment.

Inspiration-related trades

Inspiration-related trade objects focus on inspirational goals that offer meaning to work. They include

  • achieving greater vision
  • doing something well, and
  • doing the right thing

Achieving greater vision

If you're able to paint an exciting vision of your organization's future, you can inspire others to help you achieve it. An inspiring vision can overcome objections and inconvenience by those you need help from.

Do something well

Many people want to excel at their job, so giving them the opportunity to demonstrate their skill is highly motivating. Offering your colleagues a chance to perform quality work can be a valuable trade object when you need their cooperation.

Do the right thing

A lot of people want to live their lives according to standards at odds with those of their job. If you can get others to perform tasks that give them the feeling they're doing the right thing, you may find they're willing to help you.

The give and take of reciprocal relationships is a part of everyday life, including that in organizations.

You can identify trade objects for reciprocity by the type of reward they offer the recipient. Task-related trade objects relate to something immediate that will help recipients get their jobs done. Career-related trade objects help the recipients enhance their careers. Relationship-related trade objects help recipients strengthen useful or beneficial relationships, and inspiration-related trade objects help provide meaning for the work the recipients do.

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