Program your Insignia Television with below listed universal remote code with corresponding universal remote. for most of the remotes programming instruction differ so, follow the link of the remote if you need the instructions other wise you can start using the universal remote codes listed in the order. first start with the first remote code listed then try next remote code until your remote is able to power down and power on the insignia TV.
- AT&T U-Verse Remote codes for Insignia TV
1004, 1005, 1023, 1061, 1034, 1035, 1040, 1273, 1398, 1465, 1507
- Bell Satellite TV /Bell Fibe (Canada) Nova remote, Remote codes for Insignia TV
1423, 1564, 0463, 0171, 2751,
2432, 2184, 2088, 2049, 2002,
1963, 1892, 1810, 1785, 1660,
1641, 1517, 1385, 1326, 1204;
0029, 0061, 0103 ,0116, 0133,
0135, 0167, 0189, 0217, 0456
- Buckeye CableSystem Remote codes for Insignia TV
1326, 2049
- Cablevision (Optimum Online) Remote codes for Insignia TV
068, 069, 078, 096, 100, 164, 168, 229, 026
- Comcast/Xfinity Remote codes for Insignia TV
10463, 10171, 11204, 11326, 11463, 11517, 11641, 11780, 11785, 11892, 11963, 12002, 01877, 00276, 01982, 01376, 00810, 01187, 01106, 00877, 00476
- Cox Remote codes for Insignia TV
1326, 1463, 33951
- DirectTV Remote codes for Insignia TV
10463, 10171, 11204, 11326, 11517, 11564, 11641, 11963, 12002, 11463, 12049
- Dish Network Remote codes for Insignia TV
834, 720, 222, 898, 365, 777, 754
- Insight Remote codes for Insignia TV
10171, 11204, 11963, 12002
- Shaw Remote codes for Insignia TV
0463, 1326, 1564, 1785
400, 450, 461, 456, 10463, 1463, 0463, 10171, 11204, 11963, 12002, 068, 069, 078, 096, 164, 168, 1196, 1017, 1116, 1155, 1189, 1251, 1267, 1271, 1275, 1182, 2002, 1204, 1423, 1517, 0171, 1963, 0463, 1463, 0842, 1326, 167, 415, 424, 450, 456, 461, 507, 523, 567, 577, 586
- Telus Remote codes for Insignia TV
1807, 1312, 1475, 1809, 1772, 1695, 1883, 1881, 1756, 1755, 1638, 1476, 1375, 1174
- TiVo Remote codes for Insignia TV
- Verizon Remote codes for Insignia TV
0198, 0490
- Vidéotron Remote codes for Insignia TV