Siebel default Database encryption in 8.1.1.x is changed to RSA-SHA1 from SIEBELHASH.

Siebel default Database encryption in 8.1.1.x is changed to RSA-SHA1 from SIEBELHASH.

Siebel has replaced the SIEBELHASH alogorithem used in version 7.5 to new RSA-SHA1 algorithem in version 8.1.1.x, if you don't want to use the new default RSA-SHA1 algorithm following parameters needs to be updated for databse security adapter (DBSecAdpt) profile configuration. Change the DataSourceName parameter to the name of the applicable data source e.g: ServerDataSrc, set DSHashUserPwd parameter to TRUE and DSHashAlgorithm parameter to SIEBELHASH.

Also make sure SRBroker and SRProc component that connect to DB directly without referring ServerDataSrc, set the hashed password at the server component level.

srvrmgr> change param password="hashed password value for SADMIN" for comp SRBroker
srvrmgr> change param password="hashed password value for SADMIN" for comp SRProc

As 8.1.x gateway server uses database authentication following changes are required to use the server admin screens.

1. Update ServerDataSrc section of gateway.cfg in gtwysrvr\bin directory with DSHashUserPwd = TRUE, DSHashAlgorithm = SIEBELHASH
2. update Gateway Datasource under profile configuration with

  • User Password Algorithm (DSHashAlgorithm) -> SIEBELHASH
  • Hash User Password (DSHashUserPwd) -> True
  • Default username password (DSPassword) -> <sadmin plain text password>
  • Data source default user name (DSUsername) -> sadmin

3.Restart Gateway and Siebel Server services

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