Arithmatic Basic Operations Practice Questions

1. Add 0.98 + 45.102 + 32.3333 + 31 + 0.00009

  1. 368.573

  2. 210.536299

  3. 109.41539

  4. 99.9975

  5. 80.8769543

2. Find 0.12 ÷ 1

  1. 12

  2. 1.2

  3. .12

  4. .012

  5. .0012

3. (9 ÷ 3) x (8 ÷ 4) =

  1. 1

  2. 6

  3. 72

  4. 576

  5. 752

4. 6 x 0 x 5

  1. 30

  2. 11

  3. 25

  4. 0

  5. 27

5. 7.95 ÷ 1.5

  1. 2.4

  2. 5.3

  3. 6.2

  4. 7.3

  5. 7.5

6. -32 + 7 equals:

  1. -25

  2. 25

  3. -26

  4. 26

  5. 27

7. -37 + -47 equals:

  1. 64

  2. -84

  3. 65

  4. -75

  5. -66

8. 41% equals:

  1. 4.1

  2. .41

  3. .041

  4. .0041

  5. .00415

Answers & Explanations

1. C: Aligning the decimals at the decimal point and adhering to the same integer addition computation properties, the sum is equal to 109.41539.


2. C: Any number divided by 1 is equal to itself, thus 0.12 ÷ 1 = 0.12.


3. B: By first performing the computations within the parentheses, the expression may be rewritten as 3 × 2, which equals 6.


4. D: The product is 0, since the product of any number, or numbers, and 0, equals 0.


5. B: The division may be performed by first dividing 1.5 into 7.9 and then dividing 1.5 into 0.45. Doing so gives a quotient of 5.3


6. A: Addition of 7 to the integer, -32, shows a movement of 7 units to the right, giving a sum of -25.


7. B: The sum of the two negative integers will be negative. Starting at -37 on a number line and moving 47 units to the left, gives a sum of -84.


8. B: The percentage, 41%, may be converted to a decimal by moving the decimal point two places to the left. In other words, 41 is divided by 100 (or multiplied by 1/100), since one percent represents one-hundredth.

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