Where to go to find the Errors in AutoSys

To find the errors in Autosys use below commands:


Output from the job definition output & error files :

  • /tmp files created for job_run at client machine
  • $AUTOSYS/out/DBMaint.out for DB problems
  • $SYBASE/install/errorlog_$DSQUERY when event server will not start.

NT: AutoNuTc\lib/X11\app-defaults\xpert

AutoSys Maintenance: DBMaint @$AUTOSYS/bin

Once a day the Database goes into a maintenance cycle. Every day at 3:00am default,  it runs a program called DBMaint. This is user configurable. The program runs DBstatistics which is found in $AUTOSYS/bin.

app-defaults file: /usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults directory. Autocons, Xpert, etc.. ( or: /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults, /autosys/bin/X11/app-defaults)

Environment file: /etc./auto.profile
C programs: $AUTOSYS/code
Where to change AutoSys screen fonts: /usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults
Where to look for troubleshooting: Chapter 15
Summary of commands: Appendix C

$AUTO_JOB_NAME: when naming a file dynamically using as prefix AutoSys's job name.
$AUTORUN: unique identifier for the run of that job
$AUTOPID: unique identifier for that job's run number (PID)
$JOID: DB identifier for a job. To extract from the DB: select joid from job where job_name=" "

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