how to change region code on Samsung Blu-Ray Disc BD-J5700

Samsung Blu-Ray Disc BD-J5700 region free hack list is based on user reports and we have not verified or tested any region codes. Use them at your own risk. to use Samsung Blu-Ray Disc BD-J5700 Requires original samsung remote, do not use a universal remote. Same instrutions works on most of the previous models of Samsung Blu-Ray Disc models.

how to change region code on Samsung Blu Ray Disc BD-J5700

Using Samsung blu ray remote control do the following: 

Step 1

Power on Samsung Blu-Ray Disc BD-J5700, the make sure to remove disc in the tray.

Step 2

Now, close tray. the screen should says "no disk" 

Step 3

Press the BLACK button BELOW the yellow "C" button. 

caution: by mistake if you press the repeat A-B button bellow the green "B" button, these instruction will not work

Step 4

Press 7-6-8-8-4 (or your region code). 

Step 5

The current region code will display at the top left of the screen. 

Step 6

Press 9 to change to free region. 

Step 7

Power off using the samsung remote, then Power On  using the samsung remote

Step 8

Repeat steps 1 to 4, your region code will now show a "0" on the top left corner. 


Great, Congratulations you now have region free BD-J5700 for DVDs since the Blu-Ray region stays the same. 


Samsung Blu-Ray Disc BD-J5700 Region codes

1 - 29334 

2 - 57538 

3 - 56732 

4 - 76884 

5 - 53814 

6 - 24462 

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