How Should Client Side Logging Be Set?

Using the SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS environment variable, you can set what kind of information is collected. You should set this environment variable temporarily while troubleshooting any behaviors. When running the Siebel client in a production environment, you should not set this environment variable because it will affect performance and disk space. To set this environment variable, follow the instructions below:
  1. Open a Command Window and change the current directory to the <ClientRootDir>\bin directory.
  1. Type the command as shown below.
set SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS=<event level>
NOTE:  <event level> can be set between the values of 0 and 5. The higher the level, the more detailed information is collected. With the default value of 1, minimal information is collected in the log file. Set the event level to 3 or higher to troubleshoot a behavior, or if instructed by Siebel Technical Support. Please note that the higher the event level is set, the more disk space is consumed. When setting the event level to a higher value you should monitor that sufficient disk space is available.
  1. Launch the Siebel client application specifying the following parameters from within the same Command Window. Here is an example for launching the Siebel client with the parameters; user=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD and login to the local database.
siebel /u USERNAME /p PASSWORD /d local
This environment variable can also be set permanently.

Windows XP

  1. Choose Start > Control Panel > System
  2. Click the Advance tab, and then click Environment Variables.
  3. In the User variables section, click New to create a new environment variable and enter the following values
Variable Value = 3

      4. Launch the Siebel client application and the new setting will become effective.

There are two types of log file name convention for Siebel version 6.x and later:
  1. The log file name is, by default, <program>.log. (for example, Siebel.log or  UpgWiz.log).
  1. The log file name is created based on the Process and Task Id (in other words, Syncthrd_nnn_yyy.log) where nnn specifies the process-id and yyy specifies the task-id. The file created with this naming convention is typically when a remote user starts the synchronization process with the Siebel Server.
For log files that follow the naming convention described above under item 1, each execution of the program creates a new log file, <program>.log, while archiving the previous versions as <program>_1.log, <program>_2.log, etc, pushing down the numbers in an increasing order chronologically. By default, only 10 archived log files are retained and the oldest log file is deleted. You can change this number by running the following command:
set SIEBEL_LOG_ARCHIVES=<archive_number>
where archive_number should be a positive integer and determines how many log files will be saved. You can also set SIEBEL_LOG_ARCHIVES as an environment variable similar to how you set the SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS described above.
Log files that follow the naming convention described above under item 2 will not be deleted regardless of what the value is set for the SIEBEL_LOG_ARCHIVES variable.
The location of the log file of a Siebel client application is determined by the following factors.
If SIEBEL_LOG_DIR is set, for example:
set SIEBEL_LOG_DIR=<dir>
The log file will be created in the directory specified. Make sure this directory already exists and you have write permissions in that directory. You can also set SIEBEL_LOG_DIR as an environment variable similar to how you set the SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS described above.
If no SIEBEL_LOG_DIR is specified, the log file will be created in the <ClientRootDir>\log directory.
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